Manage fast and affordable UpCloud servers with Moss

Manage fast and affordable UpCloud servers with Moss

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UpCloud is a growing cloud provider that includes fast storage in their server offerings at an affordable price point. They have datacenters in Germany, Finland, Netherlands, Singapore, United Kingdom, and USA… and counting!

If you don’t have an account yet, sign up using this link with our promo code to get $25 in your UpCloud account:

You can easily deploy UpCloud servers and use a Moss’s free or paid plan to manage them securely. You just have to complete the steps described in this article.


Once you log into your UpCloud account and provide your account details, you’re ready to launch a new server. The process is pretty straightforward:

  • Click Deploy server
  • Choose the datacenter (Location) you prefer
  • Choose the instance type (Plan) you want to deploy
  • Select the latest Ubuntu Server LTS – Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) as of this writing – as the Operating System
  • Provide a Hostname for your server

Once your server is up and running, find the root user password either in the Notifications or in the deployment confirmation email. Take note of the password and the IP address of the server, since we’ll need these to connect your brand new server to Moss.


Now log into you Moss organization (or sign up now if you don’t have an account yet) and create or choose a workspace for your server. Then click New server and fill out the form:

  • Type the IP address of your server in the Host input
  • Provide the Name of your server
  • Click Create and copy the command Moss shows you. You must run it on your server, and for that you must log into it via SSH (i.e. ssh root@<ip.address>)
  • Enter root in the User input
  • Click Finalize

That’s it! Moss has started an operation to set up your UpCloud server. Once it’s done you can keep using Moss to create new applications or sites, deploy without downtime, or monitoring all of these easily and securely.

Hope you enjoy both UpCloud and Moss 🙂

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